‣ OPERA VISTA ‣ 1247 volte
‣ CATEGORIA‣ Scultura > Metallo
PALENA ''“ A municipality of only 1400 inhabitants but located within the territory of the Majella National Park which houses around 60 species and subspecies of Orchids. A high concentration which
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PALENA ''“ A municipality of only 1400 inhabitants but located within the territory of the Majella National Park which houses around 60 species and subspecies of Orchids. A high concentration which corresponds to approximately 60% of those present in the entire Abruzzo region and equal to 35% in the entire Italian territory.
Having been the subject of study for some time and even more so today with the organization of an event dedicated to the observation and valorisation activities of the many varieties, the municipality represents one of the few cases in Italy with this great concentration.
Right here, some scholars have described species never seen before, the Oprhys Palenae is the one dedicated to the town.
'ť‡ď¸ŹGoldsmith Daniela Di Cecco'ť‡ď¸Ź
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