SELECT as id, p.fk_id_user, p.fk_category, DATE_FORMAT(, '%d.%m.%Y') as data, DATE_FORMAT(p.data_inizio, '%d.%m.%Y') as data_in, DATE_FORMAT(p.data_scadenza, '%d.%m.%Y') as data_out, p.data_inizio, p.data_scadenza, TXT_GET_MESSAGE(p.txt_titolo,'en','it') as titolo, TXT_GET_MESSAGE(p.txt_abstract,'en','it') as estratto, TXT_GET_MESSAGE(p.txt_text,'en','it') as corpo, p.url_picture, TXT_GET_MESSAGE(p.txt_mk,'en','it') as metakey, TXT_GET_MESSAGE(p.txt_md,'en','it') as metadesc, c.cat_it as cat FROM ar_posts p INNER JOIN ar_posts_categorie c ON p.fk_category = WHERE p.published = 1 ORDER BY id DESC

Artistar - logo



Artistar Jewels 2017 - Book Artistar Jewels 2017 - Video


Pictures Artistar Jewels 2017, low resolution

Credits: Artistar Courtesy


Valutazione del rischio - ArtisticaLmente di Leonardi Emanule - Winner of Artistar Jewels 2017 Backbone - Anna Maria Pitt Jewellery Art Ltd - Winner of Artistar Jewels 2017 Buffer Bangle - Evgenia Balashova - Winner of Artistar Jewels 2017 Piano piano - Reem Jano - Winner of Artistar Jewels 2017
Chrysaora Alba - Alena Willroth - Special mention of Artistar Jewels 2017 Awarding - The winner Emanuele Leonardi and Maristella Campi Fashion Journalist - Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Awarding - The winner Anna Maria Pitt and Elisabetta Barracchia Editor of Vogue Accessory and Creative Director of the Fashion Department of Vanity Fair - Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Awarding - The winner Anna Maria Pitt and Elisabetta Barracchia Editor of Vogue Accessory and Creative Director of the Fashion Department of Vanity Fair - Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017
Awarding - The winner Evgenia Balashova and Guido Solari founder and owner of the Scuola orafa Ambrosiana of Milan via Savona, 20 - Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Awarding - Special mention for Alena Willroth with Liza Urla jewelry blogger and founder of GEMOLOGUE - Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Awarding - The winner Reem Jano - Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Awearding - The winner Evgenia Balashova and Gianni De Liguoro founder and stylis of the De Liguoro brand - Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017
Awarding - The winner Anna Maria Pitt - Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Jury - Elisabetta Barracchia Editor of Vogue Accessory and Creative Director of the Fashion Department of Vanity Fair, Maristella Campi fashion journalist, Liza Urla jewelry blogger and founder of GEMOLOGUE, Gianni De Liguoro, founder and stylis of the De Liguoro brand, Guido Solari founder and owner of the Scuola orafa Ambrosiana of Milan via Savona, 20 - Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Jury - Liza Urla jewelry blogger and founder of GEMOLOGUE and Maristella Campi Fashion Journalist - Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Model Camilla Poggi with jewel of maison De Liguoro and dress made by Erasmo Fiorentino - Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017
Francesca De Liguoro and model Camilla Poggi with jewel of maison De Liguoro made by Erasmo Fiorentino - Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Staff Artistar Jewels with Maristella Campi fashion journalist and Bianca Cappello historian and critic of jewelry - Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Staff Artistar Jewels - Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Staff Artistar Jewels - Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017
Jury - Liza Urla jewelry blogger and founder of GEMOLOGUE - Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Jury - Guido Solari founder and owner of the Scuola orafa Ambrosiana of Milan via Savona, 20 and his sons - Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017
Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017
Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017
Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017
Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017
Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Palazzo Giureconsulti - Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Palazzo Giureconsulti - Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Palazzo Giureconsulti - Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017
Palazzo Giureconsulti - Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017      
Pictures Artistar Jewels 2017, high resolution

Credits: Artistar Courtesy


Valutazione del rischio - ArtisticaLmente di Leonardi Emanule - Winner of Artistar Jewels 2017 Backbone - Anna Maria Pitt Jewellery Art Ltd - Winner of Artistar Jewels 2017 Buffer Bangle - Evgenia Balashova - Winner of Artistar Jewels 2017 Piano piano - Reem Jano - Winner of Artistar Jewels 2017
Chrysaora Alba - Alena Willroth - Special mention of Artistar Jewels 2017 Awarding - The winner Emanuele Leonardi and Maristella Campi Fashion Journalist - Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Awarding - The winner Anna Maria Pitt and Elisabetta Barracchia Editor of Vogue Accessory and Creative Director of the Fashion Department of Vanity Fair - Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Awarding - The winner Anna Maria Pitt and Elisabetta Barracchia Editor of Vogue Accessory and Creative Director of the Fashion Department of Vanity Fair - Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017
Awarding - The winner Evgenia Balashova and Guido Solari founder and owner of the Scuola orafa Ambrosiana of Milan via Savona, 20 - Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Awarding - Special mention for Alena Willroth with Liza Urla jewelry blogger and founder of GEMOLOGUE - Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Awarding - The winner Reem Jano - Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Awearding - The winner Evgenia Balashova and Gianni De Liguoro founder and stylis of the De Liguoro brand - Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017
Awarding - The winner Anna Maria Pitt - Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Jury - Elisabetta Barracchia Editor of Vogue Accessory and Creative Director of the Fashion Department of Vanity Fair, Maristella Campi fashion journalist, Liza Urla jewelry blogger and founder of GEMOLOGUE, Gianni De Liguoro, founder and stylis of the De Liguoro brand, Guido Solari founder and owner of the Scuola orafa Ambrosiana of Milan via Savona, 20 - Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Jury - Liza Urla jewelry blogger and founder of GEMOLOGUE and Maristella Campi Fashion Journalist - Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Model Camilla Poggi with jewel of maison De Liguoro and dress made by Erasmo Fiorentino - Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017
Francesca De Liguoro and model Camilla Poggi with jewel of maison De Liguoro and dress made by Erasmo Fiorentino - Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Staff Artistar Jewels with Maristella Campi fashion journalist and Bianca Cappello historian and critic of jewelry - Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Staff Artistar Jewels - Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Staff Artistar Jewels - Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017
Jury - Liza Urla jewelry blogger and founder of GEMOLOGUE - Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Jury - Guido Solari founder and owner of the Scuola orafa Ambrosiana of Milan via Savona, 20 and his sons - Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017
Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017
Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017
Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017
Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017
Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017 Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017
Artistar Jewels Exhibition 2017      



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