SELECT as id, p.fk_id_user, p.fk_category, DATE_FORMAT(, '%d.%m.%Y') as data, DATE_FORMAT(p.data_inizio, '%d.%m.%Y') as data_in, DATE_FORMAT(p.data_scadenza, '%d.%m.%Y') as data_out, p.data_inizio, p.data_scadenza, TXT_GET_MESSAGE(p.txt_titolo,'en','it') as titolo, TXT_GET_MESSAGE(p.txt_abstract,'en','it') as estratto, TXT_GET_MESSAGE(p.txt_text,'en','it') as corpo, p.url_picture, TXT_GET_MESSAGE(p.txt_mk,'en','it') as metakey, TXT_GET_MESSAGE(p.txt_md,'en','it') as metadesc, c.cat_it as cat FROM ar_posts p INNER JOIN ar_posts_categorie c ON p.fk_category = WHERE p.published = 1 AND = 0000000911

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CAROL RAMA - Seduzioni e Sortilegi

Inizio evento 12.03.2022 | Fine evento 04.06.2022

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CAROL RAMA - Seduzioni e Sortilegi


Studio la Città opens the spring season with a large retrospective exhibition dedicated to the artist Carol Rama (1918-2015), whose non-conformist and transgressive works have made a permanent mark on post-war Italy, influencing the work of some of the greatest intellectuals of the 20th century.
The exhibition, curated by Marco Meneguzzo, presents a series of works resulting from a careful selection made in collaboration with Pinuccia Sardi, president of the Sardi per l'Arte Foundation. Born in Turin in 2014, the Foundation promotes the work of prominent personalities, both famous and lesser-known, of the 20th-century art scene, as well as initiatives in support of young artists, critics, scholars and curators, and undertakes research to recover documents and archives.
In 2019 the Sardi per l'Arte Foundation purchased from the heirs the contents of the artist's studio house, lending it to the Archivio Carol Rama, which today manages it and enables public access to it. With this exhibition, Studio la Città brings Carol Rama's restless world to Verona for the first time and, for the occasion, chooses to reconfigure its large open space with an ad hoc installation to recreate the intimacy of the house. 
Carol Rama's house in Via Napione in Turin and the contained objects have played a very important role in the life and work of the artist who, over the years, has transformed her home into a total work of art.
For this reason, the exhibition features a dedicated section with 12 photographs by the artist Bepi Ghiotti from the series Inside Carol Rama. Ghiotti's works, courtesy of Galerie Isabella Bortolozzi have been realized over two years of photographic sessions inside Carol Rama's house and they allow us to silently enter into the intimate space of the studio. In these shots, the rooms' darkness deliberately prevails: the camera is still on the tripod to let the images to be impressed onto the recording medium, almost by osmosis.
It has been a journey into Carol's universe and her art: every molecule of air in this house evokes Carolina, not only the objects and their arrangement but also the molecules of still, stale air in the dark, hidden corners, under the piles of magazines, among the painting tools, the boxes [...], says the photographer. 
Another photographic look inside Rama's home-studio is represented by the black and white shots taken by Roberto Goffi, part of a series titled La Casa di Carol, created using the lens of a old bellows camera from the 1930s, that belonged to his father.
Carol Rama lives in a house that is no longer a house but a museum. A house blackened by time, of velvety blackness that only smoke can bestow, restoring the depth of bottomless abysses and the receptacles of ghosts; a labyrinthine house of represented and crystallised stories, sealed around the memories, the encounters, the loves.
In spite of a wealthy bourgeois childhood (Rama was the daughter of an entrepreneur who was involved in the automotive industry at the time), the artist soon had to deal with difficult family events, including her mother's psychiatric treatment and her father's presumed suicide. Her art thus became a way of exorcising suffering and inner fears. 
Work, painting, for me, has always been something that allowed me to feel less unhappy, less poor, less ugly, and also less ignorant... I paint to heal myself.
This exhibition aims to retrace the key moments in Carol Rama's career through the works and techniques that have characterised significant stages of her artistic and personal life, from the early erotic watercolours, to the haptic works of the 1960s and 1970s sprinkled with disturbing presences, such as small glass eyes or rubber inner tubes, to the most recent engravings.
Carol Rama
Eccentric and unconventional, Carol Rama was admired by the critics and the greatest intellectuals of the 20th century. A close friend of Italo Calvino and Edoardo Sanguineti, as well as Carlo Mollino, Massimo Mila, Felice Casorati, Man Ray and Andy Warhol, she received the Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement in Venice in 2003. Born in 1918, Olga Carolina Rama began to exhibit in the immediate post-war period in Turin, but her first exhibition, in 1945 at the Faber Gallery, was shut down because it was considered indecent. Carol Rama stood out for her pictorial nonconformism during the second half of the 1940s, tackling taboo topics of an erotic and violent nature. Carol Rama's career was also characterised by continuous evolution, tireless experimentation and a life marked by her father's suicide and her mother's neurosis.
Fondazione Sardi per l’Arte
The Sardi per l'Arte Foundation, founded in 2014, operates in Turin in support of modern and contemporary art and was born from the passion for art of its founder, Pinuccia Sardi. Its main activities include: the realisation of the catalogue raisonné of Carol Rama's work, which will be presented in summer 2022, the promotion of artists through the support of individual research and productions; the promotion and enhancement of international and Torinese authors; the relationship with local institutions and cultural organisations; art education and training.
“After decades devoted to the activities of the gallery – Pinuccia Sardi explains – I felt the need to concentrate on a more protected dimension, to encourage and delve into the research of artists and curators, and to investigate art from a viewpoint that is both historical and contemporary, local and international. I chose to form a foundation with a focus on art by pursuing the interests I developed in the activities of Galleria Carlina, and before that with the gallery of Grafica Internazionale, which have permitted me – in over forty years of work and experience – to concentrate on the research of artists like Carol Rama, for whom the foundation is one of the leading promoters, but also Carla Accardi, Maria Lai, Alighiero Boetti, just to name a few. The future projects of the foundation involve the protection, promotion and enhancement of art with a particular accent on the production of contemporary artists.”
The Foundation promotes the annual Carol Rama Prize, awarded to the artist who interprets, through her research and her work, the unconventional ideal of female creativity and artistic freedom that Carol embodied and transmitted through her works and her personality.
Seduzioni e Sortilegi
Exhibition period
12th march – 4 June 2022
Opening: 12th march 2022, 11am (RSVP. Mandatory super green pass)
Studio la Città, Lungadige Galtarossa 21, 37133 Verona
Opening hours
monday 14 – 18
tuesday/friday 9 am – 1 pm and 2 – 6 pm 
saturday (upon reservation) 9 am – 1 pm
Guided tours upon reservation. 
For further information and images, please get in touch with:
Marta Fraccarolo – Press Office, Studio la Città | +39 045597549 |
Studio la Città opens the spring season with a large retrospective exhibition dedicated to the artist Carol Rama (1918-2015), whose non-conformist and transgressive works have made a permanent mark on post-war Italy, influencing the work of some of the greatest intellectuals of the 20th century.
The exhibition, curated by Marco Meneguzzo, presents a series of works resulting from a careful selection made in collaboration with Pinuccia Sardi, president of the Sardi per l'Arte Foundation. Born in Turin in 2014, the Foundation promotes the work of prominent personalities, both famous and lesser-known, of the 20th-century art scene, as well as initiatives in support of young artists, critics, scholars and curators, and undertakes research to recover documents and archives.
In 2019 the Sardi per l'Arte Foundation purchased from the heirs the contents of the artist's studio house, lending it to the Archivio Carol Rama, which today manages it and enables public access to it. With this exhibition, Studio la Città brings Carol Rama's restless world to Verona for the first time and, for the occasion, chooses to reconfigure its large open space with an ad hoc installation to recreate the intimacy of the house. 
Carol Rama's house in Via Napione in Turin and the contained objects have played a very important role in the life and work of the artist who, over the years, has transformed her home into a total work of art.
For this reason, the exhibition features a dedicated section with 12 photographs by the artist Bepi Ghiotti from the series Inside Carol Rama. Ghiotti's works, courtesy of Galerie Isabella Bortolozzi have been realized over two years of photographic sessions inside Carol Rama's house and they allow us to silently enter into the intimate space of the studio. In these shots, the rooms' darkness deliberately prevails: the camera is still on the tripod to let the images to be impressed onto the recording medium, almost by osmosis.
It has been a journey into Carol's universe and her art: every molecule of air in this house evokes Carolina, not only the objects and their arrangement but also the molecules of still, stale air in the dark, hidden corners, under the piles of magazines, among the painting tools, the boxes [...], says the photographer. 
Another photographic look inside Rama's home-studio is represented by the black and white shots taken by Roberto Goffi, part of a series titled La Casa di Carol, created using the lens of a old bellows camera from the 1930s, that belonged to his father.
Carol Rama lives in a house that is no longer a house but a museum. A house blackened by time, of velvety blackness that only smoke can bestow, restoring the depth of bottomless abysses and the receptacles of ghosts; a labyrinthine house of represented and crystallised stories, sealed around the memories, the encounters, the loves.
In spite of a wealthy bourgeois childhood (Rama was the daughter of an entrepreneur who was involved in the automotive industry at the time), the artist soon had to deal with difficult family events, including her mother's psychiatric treatment and her father's presumed suicide. Her art thus became a way of exorcising suffering and inner fears. 
Work, painting, for me, has always been something that allowed me to feel less unhappy, less poor, less ugly, and also less ignorant... I paint to heal myself.
This exhibition aims to retrace the key moments in Carol Rama's career through the works and techniques that have characterised significant stages of her artistic and personal life, from the early erotic watercolours, to the haptic works of the 1960s and 1970s sprinkled with disturbing presences, such as small glass eyes or rubber inner tubes, to the most recent engravings.
Carol Rama
Eccentric and unconventional, Carol Rama was admired by the critics and the greatest intellectuals of the 20th century. A close friend of Italo Calvino and Edoardo Sanguineti, as well as Carlo Mollino, Massimo Mila, Felice Casorati, Man Ray and Andy Warhol, she received the Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement in Venice in 2003. Born in 1918, Olga Carolina Rama began to exhibit in the immediate post-war period in Turin, but her first exhibition, in 1945 at the Faber Gallery, was shut down because it was considered indecent. Carol Rama stood out for her pictorial nonconformism during the second half of the 1940s, tackling taboo topics of an erotic and violent nature. Carol Rama's career was also characterised by continuous evolution, tireless experimentation and a life marked by her father's suicide and her mother's neurosis.
Fondazione Sardi per l’Arte
The Sardi per l'Arte Foundation, founded in 2014, operates in Turin in support of modern and contemporary art and was born from the passion for art of its founder, Pinuccia Sardi. Its main activities include: the realisation of the catalogue raisonné of Carol Rama's work, which will be presented in summer 2022, the promotion of artists through the support of individual research and productions; the promotion and enhancement of international and Torinese authors; the relationship with local institutions and cultural organisations; art education and training.
“After decades devoted to the activities of the gallery – Pinuccia Sardi explains – I felt the need to concentrate on a more protected dimension, to encourage and delve into the research of artists and curators, and to investigate art from a viewpoint that is both historical and contemporary, local and international. I chose to form a foundation with a focus on art by pursuing the interests I developed in the activities of Galleria Carlina, and before that with the gallery of Grafica Internazionale, which have permitted me – in over forty years of work and experience – to concentrate on the research of artists like Carol Rama, for whom the foundation is one of the leading promoters, but also Carla Accardi, Maria Lai, Alighiero Boetti, just to name a few. The future projects of the foundation involve the protection, promotion and enhancement of art with a particular accent on the production of contemporary artists.”
The Foundation promotes the annual Carol Rama Prize, awarded to the artist who interprets, through her research and her work, the unconventional ideal of female creativity and artistic freedom that Carol embodied and transmitted through her works and her personality.
Seduzioni e Sortilegi
Exhibition period
12th march – 4 June 2022
Opening: 12th march 2022, 11am (RSVP. Mandatory super green pass)
Studio la Città, Lungadige Galtarossa 21, 37133 Verona
Opening hours
monday 14 – 18
tuesday/friday 9 am – 1 pm and 2 – 6 pm 
saturday (upon reservation) 9 am – 1 pm
Guided tours upon reservation. 
For further information and images, please get in touch with:
Marta Fraccarolo – Press Office, Studio la Città | +39 045597549 |

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