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"Navigators. A journey into Sanlorenzo's shipyards"

Inizio evento 19.10.2020 | Fine evento 15.11.2020

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Press release, 16th October - After the exhibition at Casa dei Tre Oci in Venice on the occasion of the 2019 Biennale Arte, the exhibition "Navigators. A journey into the Sanlorenzo shipyards” arrives in Milan. From 19 October to 15 November, Sanlorenzo, one of the world's leading producers of yachts and superyachts, chooses to tell its story in the spaces of the STILL Gallery in Milan, a space dedicated to the world of art photography and contemporary art, founded and directed by Denis Curti.
Conceived as a true first hand look at what's involved in the production process at our shipyards, the exhibition is to feature more than 30 black and white images by photographer Silvano Pupella, who uses his lens to give us a visual tale of the harmony between craftsmanship and technology that has over the last 60 years made Sanlorenzo a veritable nautical excellence. 
The evocative photographic portfolio which was put together within the La Spezia shipyard, reveals how each Sanlorenzo superyacht is the result of a complex, transversal and innovative project: each boat over 40 meters long, comes to life from the hull, forged in metal like some work of art,  and on through the work of skilled local artisans who take the greatest of care with every little detail, making each pieace unique and special, thereby assuring the desired reaction from the owner every time. 
The photos of Silvano Pupella thus recount the work of these highly skilled artisans whose masterful craftsmanship makes these sophisticated elegant yachts what they are, as if they were being crafted in a Renaissance workshop.
His decisive black and white, introducing us at the initial production stages of the steel superyachts, is able to excite enhancing the hidden charm and the intrinsic beauty of the unfinished products. The spatial expansions which Sanlorenzo succeeded in adding to his projetcs, as these images state most clearly, amaze and even overturn the perception of the limit that one always has on board these self-propelled jewels. Images that, documenting the various preparatory stages of the metal hulls, can perfectly relate the atmosphere of this place full not only of technology but also of precious and irreplaceable practicality.
This project, which was born from an idea of Mr. Massimo Perotti, Executive Chairman of the company, once again shows Sanlorenzo's ability to embrace new and creative languages to talk about itself and offer new perspectives regarding the world of boating and Made in Italy. This decision, this philosophy, has linked the company to the world of art and design over the years, with direct participation in some of the most important events in these worlds. 
Among the most important collaborations with Galleries and cultural institutions we can include: La Triennale di Milano, during the FuoriSalone del Mobile 2017 and 2018, with the displays "Sanlorenzo: The sea in Milan", which has been awarded with ADI Compasso d’Oro 2020, and "The sea in Milan: Yachtville" and together with Tornabuoni Art gallery, the company organised exhibitions on board his own yachts dedicated to the Italian Monocromo and Alighiero Boetti during the Art Basel Miami Beach event in 2016 and the 57th Art Biennale event in Venice. In this coherent and transversal path, in 2018 Sanlorenzo signed a global partnership agreement with Art Basel the world’s leading art fair for modern and contemporary art, for the annual appointments in Hong Kong in March, Basel in June and Miami Beach in December. In 2020, Sanlorenzo also becomes the Institutional Patron of the Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice, the most important museum in Italy for European and American 20th-century art.
Silvano Pupella
Chaos is the origin of all things, it is life, it is movement, confrontation, contrast; randomness and unpredictability are the rules that govern it. For over 30 years I have been in charge of business and company, covering various roles as a manager. "my chaos" however was a passion, a real second life, and I lived it through photography where I unceasingly sought contrasts which I could reveal and then seize and retain using images. But photography is not just about pictures, it is a rich box of sensations, emotions, it nourishes and stimulates the senses, it must be seen, "felt", touched. For this reason, over the years I have searched for materials, media and printing techniques that would allow me to enhance and convey the richness of the senses contained in images. In recent years, the merging of thirty years of experience within the company and the ability to communicate through symbolic imagery, led me to bring to life  projects for companies using artistic photography as a powerful communication tool. Each company is a complex, multi-faceted and multi-shaped universe that has its own life, its own identity and its own soul that make it unique. Every company in its life leaves traces of itself, distinctive signs of its being: its products, the people who interpret it and represent it, and the ideals it communicates. My job is to seek out these traces, synthesize them through photography and present them in a story in images that interpret the essence of the company and its uniqueness.
For over 60 years, Sanlorenzo shipyards has been building high quality motoryachts designed and made-to-measure according to the owner’s specific requests, thanks to the perfect bond between craftsmanship and advanced technology. Founded in 1958 by Gianfranco Cecchi and Giuliano Pecchia who opened the first shipyard near Florence, Sanlorenzo was taken over in 1972 by Giovanni Jannetti who launched the first fiberglass hull boat in 1985 and moved the headquarters to Ameglia (SP) in 1999. In 2005, Massimo Perotti - thanks to the deep experience gained in over twenty years of activity in the sector - took the baton. Thanks to the management of Mr. Massimo Perotti, Chairman of Sanlorenzo, the shipyard has gone through a period of extraordinary growth, bringing consolidated net revenues from new yachts to a level of 40 million euros in 2004 to 455,9 million euros in 2019. As one of the main producers worldwide of yachts and superyachts, Sanlorenzo has today four production plants: La Spezia, dedicated to the production of Superyachts, Ameglia for the production of medium and large size yachts, Viareggio, for the production of fiberglass yachts over 100 feet and Massa, the new center for the research and development of new models. Guided by his resolution and entrepreneurial perspective, Mr. Perotti, has introduced in Sanlorenzo some actual innovations which have revolutionised the world of yachting. A major milestone in this journey was its opening to the world of design through the collaboration with renown designers such as Dordoni Architetti, Antonio Citterio Patricia Viel, Piero Lissoni (Sanlorenzo’s Art Director since 2018), Patricia Urquiola, John Pawson and Christian Liaigre. This unique, innovative approach has also led the company, over the years, to bond with the world of art through the collaborations with major Galleries and cultural institutions. In 2018 Sanlorenzo has entered a global partnership agreement with Art Basel, the leading art fair for modern and contemporary art for the annual events in Hong Kong, in Basel and Miami Beach. In 2020, Sanlorenzo also becomes the Institutional Patron of the Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice, the most important museum in Italy for European and American 20th-century art.
STILL – via Zamenhof 11, Milan
19 October  – 15 November 2020
Press preview: 16 October h. 11 am – 5 pm

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