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Whistle Ring by INDSOPH – aich Jewellery

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Whistle Ring by INDSOPH – aich Jewellery

From Kuwait the ring that protects you from sexual assaults
Whistle Ring by INDSOPH – aich Jewellery is not just a ring. It is a self-defense tool. From the outside, it may look like a simple ring, but it hides so much more in those minimal silver lines. The girl who wears it can use it as a whistle to make noise in a dangerous situation, to ask for help if she thinks she need it. It makes you feel safe, because you know that, wherever you are, you can always catch the attention on you. Made in silver Silver 950, the jewels has a narrow loud sound that carries over a great distance.
This unique ring wants also to raise awareness on sexual assaults, in fact whether at home, on the streets or during war, violence against women and girls is a human rights violation of pandemic proportions that takes place in public and private spaces. Violence against women and girls manifests itself in physical, sexual and psychological forms. 35% of women worldwide have experienced either physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence.
Whistle ring was created by Hawraa Almaqseed, the young designer beyond the brand, that wanted to create a safety functional jewelry piece that can help fight domestic violence against women in Kuwait. This piece is a concept design and was inspired by Lella Vignelli, from her silver jewelry collection and the functionality of her pieces. Hawraa Almaqseed’s piece is both a whistle and a ring, and a rescuing tool for an emergency situation. The action follows by whistling and punching in the face.
Artist’s Profile
Hawraa Almaqseed was born and raised in Kuwait and she is the founder and owner of INDSOPH Company, specialist in Industrial design, jewellery, and 3D printing. Hawraa is the creative designer behind the brand name “aich jewellery”. She earned her Masters of Fine Arts (MFA) in Industrial Design in 2013, and has been designing jewellery since 2008. Hawraa established INDSOPH company in 2009, she has been combining her background as an industrial designer and jewellery designer to create sophisticated products with optimized utilitarian capacities. Her designs are an attempt to refine the principles of feminine beauty to minimalistic forms, shaped to accentuate women’s physical and intrinsic virtues, and always inspired by exploring new materials.

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