SELECT as id, p.fk_id_user, p.fk_category, DATE_FORMAT(, '%d.%m.%Y') as data, DATE_FORMAT(p.data_inizio, '%d.%m.%Y') as data_in, DATE_FORMAT(p.data_scadenza, '%d.%m.%Y') as data_out, p.data_inizio, p.data_scadenza, TXT_GET_MESSAGE(p.txt_titolo,'it','it') as titolo, TXT_GET_MESSAGE(p.txt_abstract,'it','it') as estratto, TXT_GET_MESSAGE(p.txt_text,'it','it') as corpo, p.url_picture, TXT_GET_MESSAGE(p.txt_mk,'it','it') as metakey, TXT_GET_MESSAGE(p.txt_md,'it','it') as metadesc, c.cat_it as cat FROM ar_posts p INNER JOIN ar_posts_categorie c ON p.fk_category = WHERE p.published = 1 AND = 0000000672

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Interviewing May Ganan

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Interviewing May Ganan

May Gañán 
She paints jewels, writes photos and draws poems. She expresses herself through stories underwritten on jewels. Her pieces dive into emotions; they explore the depths of soul and memory. Tactile feelings on volume going from subtle to categorical, since among these extremes, life takes place. Vogue award winning artist at Artistar Jewels 2018.
- What is the name of your brand and what's the meaning behind it?
I named my brand after my own name: masQmay, so in spanish (my language) it could means: “more than May”. But I’ve also chosen it just for the sound of it and the meaning it could potentially have in some other languages, like in italian for exemple. As it turns into “more than ever” just by swaping the “y” for an “i”. I always liked to play with words.
- Where do you take inspiration from when you start creating a new collection?
I get inspired by nearly anything. But in general, Art is one of my main sources of inspiration. The poetry of life as well, is one of my main interests. A color, a person, an attittude, or even the vibe on the streets and its architecture could inspire me to create.
- What kind of work or material or technique do you prefer to use? 
In the last few years I’ve been working with white resin wich I use as canvas in wich I paint over a kind of frescos with my ilustrations. But I also love paper as medium, aluminium and many other humble materials that could eventually get powerful through an artistic intervention wich give them a new meaning and purpose.
- Three words with which you would describe the Artistar Jewels project.
Awesome and Sophisticated Showcase for Network
- Have you been fascinated by any particular creation you saw in the Artistar jewels 2019 edition? 
For many of them, actually. I’m surprised for the amount of works and designers I didn’t know before and the great quality in many of the pieces displayed. 
- What were the opportunities that most pushed you to participate in the event? 
The chance to bring my work to a bigger audience. 
- What do you think about the upcoming Milano Jewelry Week? Do you think Milano needed it?
Being Milano the great and cosmopolitan city already is, and being also one of the main places where fashion gathers, I think to celebrate here a jewelry week is a terrific idea. Hopefully it could add a new appeal to the citty business while bringing new opportunities for jewellry makers all over the world. It will be very interesting to see how this event develop in the next coming years as many citties are already holding its own jewellry week: Amsterdam, Munich,  Athens, Barcelona…Milan had to be among them as well, adding its own character to that list of desired places where you want your jewels to be. 

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