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Roberta Risolo
VISITATO: 990 volte
ISCRITTO DAL: 22.11.2014
RATE rating 0
MOBILE: 3385429780
dove mi trovo:
73028 Otranto Le


Roberta Risolo was born in Galatina (LE), and she lived in Otranto until she achieved a diploma in “ The art of metals and jewellery” at the Institute of Art “Nino della Notte” in Poggiardo (Le). Following her interest in working  with precious metals she went to Vicenza where she attended specialist courses and worked in companies known throughout the world.Enriched by this experience she decided to return to Salento, her home area, in order to promote the Salento territory through her artistic skills.In recent years she has been invited to attend several solo and collective exhibitions, her creative work is always tied to the Salento culture, drawing inspiration from the local architecture and the use of “Leccese” raw materials such as olive-wood and a particular type of stone which is very easy to work called “Pietra Leccese”.Roberta is a member of the AGC (Association of Contemporary Jewellery).In 2013 she attended the course “alta formazione TAM” (a specialist course on the use of metals in art and sculpture), a famous centre of excellence headed by Mr. Arnaldo Pomodoro, and the same year she created the medals for the Canonization of the Martyrs of Otranto.   Roberta Risolo’s jewels are refined and unique, artistic creations: they represent a stylish reinterpretation of the jewellery tradition. This young brand tells of the history and culture of the Salento, skillfully combining its raw materials and architectural style, capturing the imagination and exciting one’s curiosity.  

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