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Valentina Simonetti
VISITATO: 1188 volte
ISCRITTO DAL: 25.10.2014
RATE rating 0
MOBILE: 3474576125
dove mi trovo:
90144 Palermo PA


I was born in Palermo in 1981. My dream since I was a child was to become an architect so, in 2007 I graduated in architecture.  I have always cultivated a passion for all creative hobbies related to manual and in 2013, thanks to a chance encounter, I discovered the technique of quilling. So I began a long period of research and experiments on the potential of the assembly of the paper that gave birth to HaruEcoDesign a line of handmade eco jewelry, made with a simple material, recyclable that daily use: the paper. Creativity and craftsmanship allow me to turn a simple sheet of paper in an artistic jewel, crafted to be worn with confidence on every occasion. The craftsmanship of my creations, means that each is a unique and at the same time, customized shapes, colors and sizes.

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