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Mimmo Milano
VISITATO: 1034 volte
ISCRITTO DAL: 22.09.2014
RATE rating 0
MOBILE: 336831618
dove mi trovo:
70023 Gioia del Colle BA


Mimmo Milan, Puglia, Gioia del Colle, technical studies, self-taught painter determined to develop its predisposition to the art not only painting, but mostly documenting and deepening the sign language. The first sign of artistic expression and communicative man, but even the final solution of extreme synthesis. His is a passionate search through the manual skill of the visual language; through a detailed study of the great theorists of the sign, and especially through the Treaty of paintings by Leonardo Da Vinci. His investigation starts from the statements of Cennino Cennini in the "book art" by pointing out that the manual it comes to drawing, to paint as "... operation of hand, you find things not seen ... stop it with your hand," says that on this "road" are produced an infinite number of expressions. By then, the Treaty of the painting of Leonardo, Milan Mimmo results in the image of Leonardo basic principle according to which the painting should aim to become an instrument of knowledge allowing you to combine the advantages of speculative investigation to those on his visual inspection and its representation leading to a new and more effective form of philosophical speculation. This treaty, the drafting of which occupies a large part of the life of Leonardo, from 1490 until his death in Amboise, in 1519, Milan became almost gospel, the study of these notebooks and collections of notes and graphic examples, take him through passages intricate and / or filtered to "freewheel" to the decisive simplification and the gestural spontaneity. Its sign, line, condensate formal inventions of extraordinary accuracy and fills almost metaphysical. Maria Catalano - art historian

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