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Giuseppe Codispoti
VISITATO: 1633 volte
ISCRITTO DAL: 11.01.2022
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dove mi trovo:
20158 Milano Milano


Giuseppe Codispoti was born in Catanzaro in 1979, lives and works in Milan. Despite is studies of non-artistic, thanks to a strong passion for all forms of art, of everything that is art, his innate talent and strong creative spirit, creates his works that express their dreams, their emotions and desires. His painting exalts those alive, warm, bright and lit mixed with sand, mosaic, stones, sequins, rhinestones that make his works of real installations on canvas Exhibitions:Art Factory Cafè 2012 - MilanoARTshot 2014 - CremaArte sulle rive dell’Arno 2014 - PisaPremio Nocivelli 2014 - VerolanuovaPassion Art Barcelona II 2014 - Barcellona

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