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Gianfranco Genoese
VISITATO: 1421 volte
ISCRITTO DAL: 03.06.2014
RATE rating 0
MOBILE: 3280050954
dove mi trovo:
Corigliano d'Otranto Lecce


  Born in Motta San Giovanni  October the 10 - 1950, his career as an educator in the artistic field  spans for more than 37 years , teaching young adults love and respect for nature , reaching there where  color expressions are not  able to be modeled  with words Dreams , imagination  and desire to communicate with colors , the comparison  with the past and the recent present Famous Artists has taken him up in those long years .Now, for the last four years He lives in Corigliano D’Otranto, one of the  numerous Towns that make s the Salento  and this journey in the artistic field continue in the canvas . The square this iconic place  is the subject around what plays his  imagination, reaching in the deepest areas of our being where maybe lays the root  of beauty , the beauty that will save the world .The people square of Muro Leccese is not  less beautiful of Capece di Maglio  square or as matter of fact all the towns  squares  that first did catch his attention , from  Sogliano to  Malpigliano, Lecce, or the ones that yet reside in the unreadable palimpsest of his imagination.The square this mystic place where people until not to long ago would meet to conduct business or simply to engage in enjoyable conversation or talk about the facts of the day. are now empty , even though  kept in their forms with doubtable  intervention  that denies the  intention of bringing them back the  old splendor, giving us a surreal  vision of something  cold like some item exposed in a store front  emphasizing  the beauty but neglecting  the function.There is not splendor without life and the vitality of a past time is not able to be given back , neither places and uses of today life in the global expression are able to transcend into the human contact instinct.Here are his squares  empty of humanity, witness of  distant time , memories  of actions of whom we are sons and heirs of who  did built , thinking, acting, wanting to live a sign , tracing a path.One element it is constant in his squares , the sky, always clear at the at the horizon, the presence of macherel clouds , rarely troublesome, enhance the Sky nature of the ultimate container of all.   

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