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  TraduttoreDisattiva traduzione istantanea   Inglese Italiano Francese Rileva lingua     Italiano Inglese Spagnolo               2212/5000   Vincenzo Caiella, short autobiography:They are molisano of birth (1961) but salernitano of adoption. I started the first painting experience as a teenager, but at 20 years other priorities took the place of art. I started working at the factory and married, at the age of 27 I won the competition in the Salerno Municipal Police and I faced the university studies I had interrupted in my youth, I graduated in 41 computer and later won the competition For Officer, in practice I have achieved all the goals I set out, but it was at that moment that I realized I missed something, but what?On a winter evening of 2010, I spontaneously look at the face of an actor in a magazine leaning on the table, I took a pencil and I drew it on an A4 sheet. I resumed drawing.I was fortunate enough to have a daughter of painters and ceramists, who graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples, who recommended the design from the truth and some of her university books, I read them all, even those who had not advised me.I have resumed my precocious artistic career by learning and experimenting with new techniques by achieving an "abstract" series that gains appreciation and has been uninterruptedly displayed for two years (2012 and 2013) at Mythos in the Historic Center of Salerno.Since 2010, my artistic research has ceased to stop by confirming the artist I am and no one imagined.After the "abstract" period I chose the figurative with a very special and highly appreciated pictorial technique with which I made a series of works entitled "kisses, hugs and tattoos" and immediately afterwards, always with the same technique , I made the "Respiri" series.Since I believe that there can be no limits or hail in art, I have started using more traditional techniques by alternating acrylic and oil, sometimes using them together, representing even unusual subjects like sport or my own personal perspective.Between Salerno and Naples I realized some personalities and participated in numerous exhibitions, including the Biennial of Contemporary Art in Salerno.

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