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Tereza Cermakova
VISITATO: 697 volte
ISCRITTO DAL: 07.11.2017
RATE rating 0
MOBILE: 00420 776488177
dove mi trovo:
04100 Praga


My way to the jewellery world was not a straight line. After finishing school in the Czech Republic I had a great desire to travel and spent many years traveling in and out of Europe doing all kinds of different jobs.  When it was finally time to study, I chose the Academy of Costume and Fashion in Rome where I studied jewellery design under the tutelage of Claudio Franchi, master goldsmith and designer of the ring of Pope Benedict XVI.Studying and living in Italy influenced not only my work and views on fashion and design, but also opened up my imagination. My ideas and inspiration derive from my childhood spent in the beautiful countryside; being surrounded and deeply connected with nature. Creativity is a long and emotional process for me. Each piece has gone through a soul searching process that has transformed a vision into a reality.I work with the lost wax technique using silver in combination with perspex, which allows me to produce very fluent and organic pieces.Since I like surprises and secrets, this is what I bring into my  jewellery, hiding elements that can only be seen at a second glance.  The observer  has to pay careful attention to what the piece has hidden inside it.

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