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Maria Vittoria Paolillo
VISITATO: 1654 volte
ISCRITTO DAL: 23.07.2013
RATE rating 0
dove mi trovo:
00187 Roma Rm


Maria Vittoria’s passion for jewelry started a long time ago. During her childhood she used to play with gems while her father was working in the family business office. After the gemology studies, which have furnished her the deepest knowledge in the world of jewelry, and her constant travel experiences that have inspired her new creations, Maria Vittoria decided to take the field inventing a brand of her own: MVP. The decision to hide her name behind an acronym was done to create a separation and a sense of freedom and independence form the Paolillo’s family company, linked uniquely to the precious gems world, and to confront herself with more affordable materials like silver. MVP was born from the awareness of her family tradition and from the need to be emancipated. MVP collection has merged the artisan tradition with a young and irreverent aesthetics, without overlooking the care for details and the constant research of materials.

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