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MarbaF ContemporaryArtists
VISITATO: 1300 volte
ISCRITTO DAL: 05.01.2017
RATE rating 0
MOBILE: 3496941900
dove mi trovo:
87027 Paola Cosenza


MarbaF formed in 2011 from the strong need to create a visual fusion through an unconventional dialogue between painting and photography. Two art expressions that attract themselves at distance, blending in their works. An aesthetic binomial, that looks to an almost figurative abstractionism, not purely representative or descriptive, but allusive and poetic, which is able to free the mind, outside and above any link or bond. A kind of abstraction that looks to reality, which is not always perceived because it's not the fruit of observation. An illuminating and revealing game of unexpected details about the nature of what we look upon. All of this springs from a casual juxtaposition of the two arts that recall one another in motion and chromatism, generating a continuous dialogue between the abstract expression of painting and the descriptive expression of photography, in order to emphasize those details that surround us, impressed in our visual memory, during the daily routine, and so often, don't get the right prominence; details intrinsically, build a world, recalling abstractionism which in the end is not so incomprehensible. In some cases, photos portray something unbelievably real and equivocal: parts, details and cut-outs, often free the interpretation and fantasy of the observer, who can give space to imagination in the research of the identifiable, the existing, the concrete, the palpable. This work is the manifestation of the world operating around us, the union of two possible realities that once fused together, go beyond the respective barriers. their natures, making the abstract visible and the visible abstract.

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