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gianpiero gasparini
VISITATO: 133 volte
ISCRITTO DAL: 07.02.2024
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dove mi trovo:
20127 Milano Mi


Gian Piero Gasparini, born in 1969, graduated in Illustration Techniques (Corso Superiore di Tecniche di Illustrazione) from the Istituto Marangoni in Milan, started off his artistic career specialising in hyperrealism, producing gigantic air-brush murals and working with some of Milan’s most prestigious firms of architects on designing various well-known entertainment facilities.  Up to the early 2000s, this eclectic, boundlessly energetic artist worked as creative director for a number of different firms, coordinating their brand image and ranging from graphic design to commercial art and advertising. He started his career as an independent artist in 2003 together with other young talents, at an exhibition organised by one of Milan’s oldest-established bookshops.  Since then his talent has been widely recognised both in Italy and abroad where he has had great success, taking part in numerous one-man shows and group exhibitions in various parts of the world.  In 2012 his works were shown in a solo exhibition at the world-famous investment company Price Waterhouse & Coopers, in 2014 at Azimuth welt managemrnt and in 2016, for the 250th anniversary of Christie’s, the prestigious London auction house, where he was warmly applauded by collectors for his two exclusive paintings revisiting the Old Masters of the Italian Renaissance, created with an absolutely unique technique that has made him famous amongst numerous contemporary art galleries.  Gian Piero Gasparini, born in 1969, graduated in Illustration Techniques (Corso Superiore di Tecniche di Illustrazione) from the Istituto Marangoni in Milan, started off his artistic career specialising in hyperrealism, producing gigantic air-brush murals and working with some of Milan’s most prestigious firms of architects on designing various well-known entertainment facilities.    Up to the early 2000s, this eclectic, boundlessly energetic artist worked as creative director for a number of different firms, coordinating their brand image and ranging from graphic design to commercial art and advertising. He started his career as an independent artist in 2003 together with other young talents, at an exhibition organised by one of Milan’s oldest-established bookshops.  Since then his talent has been widely recognised both in Italy and abroad where he has had great success, taking part in numerous one-man shows and group exhibitions in various parts of the world.  In 2012 his works were shown in a solo exhibition at the world-famous investment company Price Waterhouse & Coopers, in 2014 at Azimut Wealth Management and in 2016, and Clifford Chance, He alo exhibited in several ainternational art fair in Europe, United States, China, Australia and Korea.

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