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Concrete Light Artist
VISITATO: 213 volte
ISCRITTO DAL: 01.09.2023
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Photographer and visual artist born in 1971 in Rome.Raised in art galleries, between the end of the 70s and the beginning of the 80s thanks to his father s pictorial activity he entered from a very young age in close contact with the realities of the artistic panorama and some historical figures including Domenico Purificato, Aldo Riso, Ilia Peikov, Ibrahim Kodra.He trained at the Art School and at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome (Scenography) under the teachings of great Masters such as Roberto Bossaglia, Roberto Alemanno, Giorgio Scalco, Fabio Vergoz, Edolo Masci, Romano Lotto, Emanuele Floridia, Roberto Almagno, Empedocle Amato, Carlo Ambrosoli.The first professional experiences are in the interior architecture and furnishing sector in a renowned studio in Rome for which he worked as a technical draftsman-designer and marketing manager. He will then carry out the design activity independently.In the following years he founded the Arts Moment with which he managed two exhibition spaces in the center of Rome - first in the Sallustiano district and then in Trastevere - in which he hosted artists active in various fields of established and emerging contemporary art, both Italian and international: Julianos Kattinis, Andrea Nikolaevic Ruffolo, Graziano Piazza and many others.Hence the choice to make use of one s own experience and training skills and one s own talent by starting an interesting journey in analogue photography (already studied in the academic period) and digital by attending studios and workshops that led him already in the initial phase - up to up to today - to prestigious collaborations, awards, professional commissions in various sectors of Photography and personal and collective exhibitions in galleries and institutional places in Rome and in some Italian cities. His essential style aims to tell reality, in his works he prefers monochrome and his black and white has been defined as rich in color. He lives and works in Rome.

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