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VISITATO: 606 volte
ISCRITTO DAL: 13.03.2019
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MOBILE: +16472746658
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M4L 1V2 Toronto Toronto


 the designer of Musesa Collection, Monica Frangulea is a well-traveled architect and designer with a great professional experience and an international portfolio and rewards. Her practice has included housing and private residences, museums, public spaces, municipal squares, commercial buildings and such major civic commissions as sport arenas and city halls in Greece, Switzerland, Cyprus, Romania, Belgium and Canada.   Musesa is present in runway shows and featured in many editorials, interviews, articles and front cover of Canadian and international fashion magazines and already has clients and celebrities wearing our designs all over the world. Recently Musesa has been also on exhibit at the Royal Ontario Museum at the "21 Century Atelier - Redefining Fashion in a New Age of Design" Exhibition.Last June, during the Grand Prix Montreal Musesa had a two days exclusive exhibit at the Ritz-Carlton Residences in Montreal and was present on the runway show at SFW Montreal.Last September Musesa had a beautiful statement necklace in the "From Concept to Creation" exhibit of famous movie costumes at Yorkville Village downtown Toronto. The collection is an understanding of nature's beautiful energy, symmetry and intelligence of patterns. As well, from my travels, each piece is inspired by my fondness of ancient cultures, mythology, motif's and symbology.The collection is inspired from the exotic beauty of the Mediterranean islands with their colorful landscapes and the Aegean Sea, the fabulous underwater world of corals, tropical fish, and creatures of the deep and undulating algae.Many designs are also inspired from the beauty and the rich ancient history of the Mediterranean: Ancient Greek and Ancient Egypt mythology, Babylon, Byzantine and Roman Empire.The designs range from a classical approach, some even reminding of the Victorian jewellery to a more contemporary jewelry design.The name of the brand comes from the Greek mythology legend of the nine muses.

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