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Isabelle Kowalski
VISITATO: 933 volte
ISCRITTO DAL: 23.05.2018
RATE rating 0
MOBILE: +39 373 7149883
dove mi trovo:
88025-200 Milano


Isabelle had her first contact with jewelry design in a goldsmith course when she has 19 years old (Curitiba, Brasil). Seeing a jewel being created through her own hands, the future designer fell in love with the process. Graduated in design in 2010 and, after a few years, felt the need to seek theoretical specialization. In 2014, she initiated postgraduate studies in jewelry design at UEMG (Belo Horizonte, Brasil), where her final project consist of a contemporary jewelry work with polished porcelain. She won the first place in the category “Revelation” of the competition AuDITIONS Anglogold 2015 with the piece “Kaleidoscope”. Manager, designer and goldsmith of her brand IsaKowalski, she works part of the year in her studio in Florianópolis (Brazil) and some periods in a co-working jewelry studio in Milan (Italy), transforming gold and silver into unique, contemporary and personalized jewels.

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