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VISITATO: 727 volte
ISCRITTO DAL: 20.12.2017
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dove mi trovo:
70121 bari bari


Maria Milici established, with 17 years of experience spent creating a valuable network of knowledge with curators and owners of art galleries. Artist constantly engaged in developing the appropriate artistic techniques to stimulate innovation and innovation visual development of the product. Scope for sculpture and for the creation of oil paintings. Expert in art history and artistic figure with a deep understanding of the various communicative artistic fields, in his experiences there is also participation as a sponsor of the event Miss Europa Continental - Italy Representative of Puglia in the fashion art sector of the Apulian excellences Sanremo Fashion - Sanremo jewelry designer sculpture Fashion Week - Puglia jewelry designer sculpture Glen Gallery - Manhattan NY Creator of the "La Fenice" event at Palazzo Fizzarotti Bari Unique manager of the shop to the public Jewels sculpture of Maria Milici "Ornaments" event organizer Bluorg Gallery, Bari, Italy Supply of stage jewelry on the occasion of the inauguration of the Petruzzelli theater - Bari, Italy

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