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Mariangela Russo
VISITATO: 922 volte
ISCRITTO DAL: 28.01.2019
RATE rating 0
MOBILE: 00447706536313
dove mi trovo:
Southampton Hampshire


I'm Mariangela and I am an Italian jewellery artist. I was born and raised in Naples where I developed my passion for handmade. When I was a child, I enjoyed making origami, something that I still make nowadays, even while I'm talking to someone and I have a piece of paper in my hands! In 2012 I started to develop a strong passion for jewellery tools and materials; by making a lot of mistakes, constantly learning new techniques and changing style, I realized that it was not just a hobby but that everything I made truly represented me and could become my job. Since 2016, after moving to England (to follow my love), I run my own Jewels business called Decóre (‘from the heart’ in Italian),which I consider a true life path and not only work and business. I love working with metals and let the stones inspire my ideas and creativity. I started Decóre with the idea of creating unique handmade jewels from affordable materials (like aluminium, brass and semi-precious stones), for women looking to wear something special. My vision is to sell not only accessories but micro pieces of art…so here you go, ‘Decóre, to wear art’.

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