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Korai x Kente
VISITATO: 570 volte
ISCRITTO DAL: 12.07.2017
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dove mi trovo:
90141 Palermo Palermo


"KxK - Korai x Kente" is an Italian emerging brand of Sicilian eco-craft and eco-design fashion handmade products born to promote the Kente cloth (the traditional and handmade fabric used for Ashanti King's clothes in Ghana) and the creativity and high quality manufacturing made in Italy. The charming fabric (the most precious is made of cotton and silk) is entirely handmade and woven by Ghanaian male weavers using wooden frames that are typical of African nomads. The long and narrow stripes of fabric produced are sewn each other to create coloured clothes for men and women. The fabric, always different in colour and geometric patterns, has special meanings, all related to the Ghanaian culture. The KxK jewelry line tells the virtuous meeting between two lands: Sicily and Africa. The Korai x Kente creations are expertly made by Sicilian artisans, expert of crochet and tatting (ancient form of art, already known during the Renaissance). They are unique items used in an exclusive and original way the Kente cloth, the precious handmade fabric, traditionally worn by Ghanaian Kings. Embellished with precious decorations, these jewels draw inspiration from Sicily and from the influences of all cultures that have occurred in this charming island of the Mediterranean Sea. For example, they show some recognisable elements from the Arab-Norman architecture that was peculiar of Sicily. Therefore, they are precious works of art, as a homage to Sicily that has always been a crossroad of different cultures over the centuries. They are devoted to every woman wishing to enhance her own femininity with a touch of originality seasoned by the flavour of distant lands. Korai x Kente Collections are exclusive, entirely handmade, unique, no-two-alike, and numbered, created by Italian designers and producted by Italian artisans according to principles of ethic and sustainable manufacturing, and using precious African fabrics from Ghana. Products join African style, Italian real manufacturing quality, Sicilian tradition, sustainability and social innovation. KxK follows the growing trend of ethical fashion (as the Ethical Fashion Initiative by the International Trade Center), are inspired by the African Fashion Week held all over the world, and also promote Sicily as a new farm of culture and creativity (its capital will be Italian Capital of Culture in 2018).

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