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Alberto Bossi
VISITATO: 710 volte
ISCRITTO DAL: 18.03.2017
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dove mi trovo:
10029 New York New York


THE BRAND Alberto Bossi’s designs are a unique investigation of decorative sensibility and time honored old world craftsmanship The beauty and precision become apparent the moment you wear it, the details, the curving lines, the bold investigation of non-rigorous geometric shapes, the combinations of unique gems and the heritage of the precious metals His craftsmanship is a discrete and timeless story, telling how jewelry is an expression of a woman’s life.     THE DESIGNER Alberto Bossi was born in a beautiful small town by the lakes of northern Italy. The natural landscape and the simple focus on quality of life have always served as a primary source of inspiration for his life and work. His passion for beauty and his innate curiosity naturally led him to the arts, and he began his journey as a jeweler as a young man.  Schooled in the traditional manner as apprentice first, Mr. Bossi thoughtfully and patiently acquired the knowledge and skills to become a Master Jeweler. No short cuts, but rather his work pays homage to his background and Master training. His work to this day, retains the values of what is important to him: nature, focus on quality, and reverence to traditions. Having worked for important jewelry makers in Europe and America, Mr. Bossi is now pleased to design, create, and represent his work through his company.

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