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raffaella palmieri
VISITATO: 605 volte
ISCRITTO DAL: 03.02.2017
RATE rating 0
dove mi trovo:
20060 milano milano


I am Raffaella and I have decided to stand up and be counted. I am a creative advisor and for all of my working history I have preferred to devote my imagination to others. Till today.I want to introduce you my vision, my thoughts, my style.My professional carreer grew up around the fashion industry, on the textile side of it. My natural push was towards designer jewels, so I tried to find a way that could mesh up these two worlds. I like relativity when for relativity is meant the ability to connect elements that are just apparently distant among them. So I crossed the edge using metals on traditional jacquard looms and knitting machines. The results are materials that shine as metal and that cuddle like clothes.This is the way some of my materials that get birth as a mirror of me: here and there at once.

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