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irene Russo
VISITATO: 700 volte
ISCRITTO DAL: 16.11.2016
RATE rating 0
MOBILE: +39 3281516193
dove mi trovo:
83013 Mercogliano Avellino


Irene Russo, 1985, was graduated in Decoration and Painting atAcademy of fine Art In Naples.Her painting was influenced from study in Poland, at UniwersytetArtystyczny w Poznaniu.She is living in Mercogliano, in the south Italy, and work betweenAvellino, Naples, Milan and Poznan. 2010Naples, Museo Madre, live performances curated by Teresa Mergollesand Eugenio Viola.Gaeta, XXII “Porticato Gaetano”, collective, Municipal Art Gallery,selected for second place, curated by cultural association twentiethcentury and the City of Gaeta.2011Ravenna, “Sc (arts) on show”, selected for the collective Urban Center inRavenna, curated by Felice Nittolo, provincial Environment Department,the ‘Department of Culture, Municipality of Ravenna.Poznan (Poland), “Being the center of (re) Cognition”, double exibition,Post Office Gallery, curated by Ministery of Culture and NationalHeritage, University of Arts in Poznan.Poznan (Poland), “mail art: poza systemem”, gallery rotunda, UniwersytetArtystyczny w Poznaniu, curated by Loredana D’Argenio and Piotr C.Kowalski.Milan, “National Award of” Brera 2010-2011 arts, selected finalist,curated by the Ministry of Education, University and Research.Marsciano (PG), MAG Museum, collective, finalist, curated byAssociazione Magma.2015Milan, collective, “The memory feeds the planet,” Bracco Foundation,curated by contemporary art gallery Mostrami.Avellino, solo exibition, “Art on the scene in 2015”, foyer Carlo GesualdoTheater, curated by Alberto Iandoli and Luca Cipriano.2016Napoli, finalist, inernational contest “A work for the Castle”, Castel SantElmo, curated by Angela Tecce and Claudia Borrell, Minister of thegoods, cultural and tourism activities, Museums of the region Campania.Eboli (SA), artist residences, curated by municipality of Eboli and theDepartment of Youth and the Civil Service at the Prime Minister’s Office.

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