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ONE OFF srl Emotional Hardware
VISITATO: 712 volte
ISCRITTO DAL: 23.10.2016
RATE rating 0
MOBILE: 3356144626
dove mi trovo:
20139 MILANO Milano


The OneOff project was brought to life by the creativity of Elena and Paola - two entrepreneurs from different backgrounds (engineering and haute couture), in 2011, they teamed up to create a high-quality hand-crafted line of jewelry in the Steampunk style. “What  the past would look like if the future had happened earlier.?” This paradox underpins the whole Steampunk cultural movement. The Victorian age and the first phase of  the industrial revolution with its large steam-powered machines  set the imaginary scene for a fantastic flight into an impossible future of great aesthetic value. It was precisely the desire to explore this surprising and bizarre universe that led to the creation of OneOff:  jewels and objects designed as devices to travel the retro-futuristic world.  In order to really convey emotions, we did not go for easy, fictitious replicas: our pieces are crafted with an actual Victorian touch coming from an in-depth study of the distinctive artistic features of the 19th century and the use of original Victorian components.   Ancient silver and mother-of-pearl rosaries, brass gears from 19th century clocks, rare and precious jet beads, small filigrees and friezes in precious metals, gaming tokens, coins, pinchbeck brooches are some of the things used for our creations.    The flair of our creativity coupled with accurate, refined craftsmanship results in one of a kind pieces… really OneOff! “Emotional Hardware”….  An Emotional Gear, exclusively designed to bring out the beauty of an eccentric, daring noblewoman and accompany her in her adventures across unlikely pasts and imaginary futures.

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