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alessio benetti
VISITATO: 970 volte
ISCRITTO DAL: 21.10.2016
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MOBILE: 3498744274
dove mi trovo:
30123 Venice Venezia


  DESIGNER BENETTI ALESSIO Son of art, he graduated in 1990 as an art teacher and later graduated in sculpture at the Accademia di Belle Arti in Venice (1995). From his youth he worked and trained at the Atelier of Historical costumes of his Mother, Bertoldini Giuliana, a pioneer  of Venice carnival. His  creations seem to be born with an unmistakable always original style and attentive to customer needs. Today he works between Venice and Berlin actively collaborating with the fashion market, the entertainment world and fashion street. Recent collaborations with renowned fashion houses and famous designers make AlessioBenetti  a reference within the exclusive creations of the Swarovski crystal jewelry and fashion accessory.      

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