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loredana corallo
VISITATO: 800 volte
ISCRITTO DAL: 20.04.2018
RATE rating 0
dove mi trovo:
20134 MILANO


Loredana Corallo - Loreart ( I graduated from the Art School and attended the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera, in sculpture, presenting a thesis on museum education. Meanwhile I worked in education by conducting various training experiences with children and adults, particularly laboratories manuals (jewelery, puppets, masks) and museum education courses in collaboration with the Art Gallery of Contemporary Art in Lissone. In 2004 I attended the course of goldsmith Goldsmith School Ambrosiana in Milan and started my artistic production. My work stems from the combination of manual dexterity, artistic training and passion for jewelry: the result of this merger led to the emergence of the "small sculptures to wear."

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