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VISITATO: 653 volte
ISCRITTO DAL: 22.08.2016
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MOBILE: +919873350136
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110049 New Delhi Delhi


Our Story This is the story of a young boy who grew up wanting to know everything. Like Erasmus, he goes through the disciplines — playing music, drawing the world and preserving bits of it in his scrapbook. As time passes he delves into the sciences, becomes an inventor and receives great accolades. But like all those who have spent their childhoods looking at the stars, he too is not at peace with simply ticking off the boxes. A restlessness is taking root – it takes him to the art scene in New York. Walking around art galleries, talking with street artists and listening to musicians busking in the lanes, two ideas begin to take shape: how can I give emerging artists a platform to showcase their art and, how can I liberate art from the haloed walls of museums and bring it closer to the art lover? The dream starts to take shape as people start to come together. Before we knew it, we had transcended the realm of the abstract and become a real space for the artistic community where a 9th generation meenakar (enamelist), a celebrated painter, a new age designer and I came to fight for our aesthetics. Magic happens at the fringes, at the borders of two or more artistic traditions, and this is what Miranika dares to do: clash the titans of disparate fields so something new may emerge. The Miranika collection incorporates original paintings, using various mediums and surfaces that have been miniaturized by the artists themselves, and then been translated by designers and craftsmen to fit into delicate baubles. By its very nature of being haute joaillerie, each handcrafted piece is part of a limited edition and has been through a slow, painstaking, formative process so that it may be treasured for generations to come. Each artwork tells a story, not only about its genesis, but also about the woman it belongs to. To the wearer, her Miranika pieces are ambassadors for her individuality. They unshackle her and empower her to dream. Miranika is her retreat, her time out, where she can truly be herself; it is that little pocket of time when everything is possible.   Welcome to our world!  Dhruv Dayal Founder & Chief DreamerMiranika

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