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ana braganca
VISITATO: 562 volte
ISCRITTO DAL: 15.06.2016
RATE rating 0
dove mi trovo:
1052 le mont sur lausanne vaud


Ana is an architect with a Master degree in “Architectural Design” from The Bartlett (University College of London).   She has worked as an architect for two years however, in 2012, she entered the world of jewellery. Living in Athens, Greece, she has started designing and making her own jewellery learning from a jewellery laboratory called Synapeiro.   In order to improve her jewellery skills, Ana attended a modular jewellery course at Cindor (Jewellery Vocational School of Gondomar).   In 2015 and 2016, she was one of the selected jewellers to present her collection at the international contemporary fair AUTOR, in Bucharest.

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