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VISITATO: 768 volte
ISCRITTO DAL: 16.05.2016
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MOBILE: 3277847086
dove mi trovo:
73100 Lecce Italia


Artefatto is an handcrafted goldsmith workshop. Angelo and Francesco’s passion for this ancient profession as well as for the will to give jewels a new value, bring the brothers to this idea. The workshop is in the historical centre of Lecce, where different ateliers were situated in the past. This is the perfect location where your ideas can come true thanks to the creation of your own special and inimitable jewel. Typical example of made in Italy, Artefatto is an expression of self-made and quality which blends old traditions and modern design. Angelo Donadeo starts his experience at the High Artistic School Superior Istituto Statale d’Arte in Grottaglie as craftsman in Toreutics field. Thereafter he moves to Campania where continues to study and design at the Goldsmith School “il Tarì”. Francesco, graduated at the Scientific Gymnasium in Grottaglie attends a development course as specializer in mounting of precious stones and gems at the same school “il Tarì”, where both brothers work together one as gold-working creator and the other as specializer in mounting of precious stones with other Companies leader in jewellery and goldsmith field. Some years later they decide to go to Vicenza to learn new special techniques by joining the old ones. Here Francesco became a techniquer in gold-working creations and both begin to work in a traditional laboratory, supporting important goldsmith and realizing worth creations. Later on they decide to return back home, bringing their experiences through time in the opening of their own Laboratory where their creativity can finally come out.    

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