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Annunziata Annunziata
VISITATO: 664 volte
ISCRITTO DAL: 19.07.2016
RATE rating 0
MOBILE: 3209314426
dove mi trovo:
80040 Napoli Na


Sario was born in Salerno in 1983. He and graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples in Painting and Photography. He collaborates with cultural associations for the creation of events and art projects, exhibitions and residences What. InOLTRE conducts art workshops in Campania at Public Institutions and Active Member of the Association and modular, A platform in constant evolution What devotes part of his time to culture. He currently lives and works in Naples. If YOU ARE A gallery owner or you are part of an association That means Organizing of Events An exhibition featuring the works of Sario contact them by filling out the form below. Even if you are an individual and would like to see the works sue or if you intend to solo fare Some question please do not hesitate, we will contact you to more soon. Alternatively CAN find the artist and follow him on FB fan page, view the works on google + page  

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