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Carlotta Scarabeo
VISITATO: 1243 volte
ISCRITTO DAL: 28.02.2016
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dove mi trovo:
20147 milano milano

BIO: Carlotta Di Cerbo, 26, Architect The project “Carlotta Scarabeo” is born through the attribution of new forms and aesthetic values, trying to enhance the concept of jewel, not intended as precious object but as an unique detail realized with elements of daily re-use. The concept is to enrich poor and discarted materials using metals, tiny gracious parts and hooks. Industrial elements in copper, minutely treated and assembled with rope elements generate accessories that are eccentric in the volume but minimal in form. Each piece is hand-made and in this way, unique. Although producible in large quantities, every accessory will always be slightly different from the other. Herefrom derives the great importance attached to handmade value and attention to detail. The craftsmanship of Carlotta Scarabeo’s products is considerated the added value throught which it’s possible to customize your own accessories choosing the finishing and sometimes even forms of the same object, often flexible and changeable. The synthesis between tradiotion and innovation is recognizable in the constant juxtaposition of craft and industrial-chemical processes, as such as scratches and galvanic baths in gold and silver, accelerated oxidation processes and paintwork. Particular attention is paid for materials and chemicals used that don’t cause irritation in contact with skin. Each piece is hand-made and in this way, unique. Although producible in large quantities, every accessory will always be slightly different from his similar. Carlotta Scarabeo’s bijoux collection enhance the concept of jewel, not intended as precious object but as an unique detail realized with elements of daily re-use.

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