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Fernanda Oliva
VISITATO: 810 volte
ISCRITTO DAL: 11.11.2015
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MOBILE: 05491150396573
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1081 buenos aires caba


About Me   I am a professional silversmith and goldsmith. I design and manufacture all sorts of jewelry and chiseling work. I have opened my own workshop nine years ago; there I manufacture my pieces and teach others.   I have got my degree in silversmithing and goldsmithing in Raggio Technical Schools (Escuelas Técnicas Raggio). After graduating, I worked in different workshops and jewelry shops. I have been trained by several master silversmiths and goldsmiths, both in Argentina and in Spain. I am studying Jewelry Mounting at Jewelry Municipal School (Escuela Municipal de la Joya).   Personal data   Name: Fernanda Oliva Cell phone: (549) 11-50396573 Birth date: July 10, 1981     Training   2014 -2015 – Jewelry Mounting, Jewelry Municipal School 2012-2013 – Metal Enameling Assistant, Bulnes Pottery National School (Escuela Nacional de Cerámica Bulnes) 2010 – Visual Arts (first year), IUNA. 2002-2005 – Social Psychology, Enrique Pichon-Rivière School 2000 – I got my secondary school degree at Raggio Technical Schools as a Technical Expert in Silversmithing and Goldsmithing   Other Training Courses   2015 – (August) Workshop in rare woods applied to jewelry, at "Figuraciones" Argentine Jewelers Exhibition (José Hernández Museum) 2015 – Textile Experimentation, teacher: Silvina Romero (Tacuru Workshop) 2015 Jewelry Mounting, second year (Jewelry Municipal School 2014 – Workshop on Paper Jewelry, teacher: Luis Acosta (El Obraje Workshop) 2014 – (July) Workshop on Jewelry “La joyería: del oficio al objeto de diseño” (Jewelry: from the craft to the design), teacher: Pamela Fuentes Aedo (Chile), at the Ninth Latin-American Meeting (Palermo University) 2013 – (June to October) Training in Business Entrepreneurship (Ciudad de Buenos Aires Government) 2013 – (June and July) E-pyme 2.0 Conference (Ciudad de Buenos Aires Government) 2013 – (January) Crash course on Engraving, teacher: Jazmín Perfetti 2012-2011 – Wax Modeling, teacher: master silversmith and goldsmith Sonia Rodríguez 2010 – Course on Mokume-Gane Technique, teacher: Pablo Rodríguez 2009 – (October) Training Course on Chiseling and Setting of Peinetas and Falleros Ornaments, teacher: Pepe Juárez (Valencia, Spain) 2009 – (March to May) Training Course on Jewelry Setting (La Bola Jewelry Shop, Valencia, Spain) 2007 – Drawing Training Course (La Ola School) 2007 – Training Course on Glass Artwork   Workshops & Seminars by María Fernanda 2011 – Workshop on Polymer Clay Miniatures (Pelufo Bookstore) 2011 – Workshop on Chain Design (Gemstone Store)   Other Achievements   2012 – I was awarded the Capital Semilla Program   Exhibitions   2015 –Tacuru Workshop Students Exhibition on Textile Practices (Argentine Center of Textile Art, CAAT in Spanish) 2015 – Member of “Andes Joya”, magazine on Latin-American silversmithing and goldsmithing, and a silversmith and goldsmith catalogue 2015 - Puro Diseño Fair 2015 – Gestando Exhibition, presentation of Geometría A Color collection (Oficina del Arte Argentino Store, Patio del Liceo Gallery) 2014 – First Mention on Molten Metals Work (Craftmanship International Fair at La Rural)  2014 - IX Craftmanship International Fair (La Rural)  2013 - VIII Craftmanship International Fair (La Rural). 2013 – Students Exhibition on Metal Enameling (Pottery National School) 2013 – Noches de los Museos (Museum Night) (Pottery National School) 2012 – Students Exhibition on Metal Enameling (Pottery National School) 2012 – Winning project at Capital Semilla Program 2012 - VII Craftmanship International Fair (La Rural). 2000 – Raggio Technical Schools Group Exhibition (Saavedra Museum)  2000 - Raggio Technical Schools Group Exhibition (VIII Watchmaking, Jewelry and Silversmith’s Craft International Exhibition) 1998 - Raggio Technical Schools Group Exhibition (Saavedra Museum)   Working Experience   2005-2014 I work and teach others at my own workshop. There I do my best to put into practice the techniques I have learnt and the experiences I have collected during all these years. I first imagine the future pieces in my mind and draw sketches on a sheet of paper; then I think about the possible techniques, textures and ornaments. This way I start preparing my collections. I try to convey my students the basics of a silversmith or goldsmith job —how to make a jewel or a chiseled piece, from the manufacturing tools to the processes and the reason for choosing one particular technique.                

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