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Angela Malhües
VISITATO: 875 volte
ISCRITTO DAL: 12.08.2015
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08224 Terrassa Barcelona


Superior technical design and Visual arts specialty jewelry art by the Llotja School of Barcelona, ​​2015.Course enamel torch in Barcelona Perill Workshop with Silvia Walz, 2014.Graduate design eco-efficient housing by the Elisava School in Barcelona 2008.Studied sculpture at the School of Art Palace Vergara Vina del Mar, Chile, 2003.Entitled as a designer of environments from the School of Design Duoc of the Catholic University of Chile, 2002.Participates since 2010 in the workshop Atmapu, project with his partner, aiming to reinterpret ethnic jewelry of their country. Participates in the following exhibitions:Exhibition "Recerques" Espai Blanc in the Escola Llotja 2014. Image exhibition poster with their work, bone box "Tour".Craftroom week of Crafts of Catalonia, in the Design Museum Dhub, 2013. It is one of those chosen to represent the school with his art project "funeral Jewelry" based on the poetry of Nicanor Parra "Poems and anti-poems "1954.Craftroom week handicraft Catalonia, Barcelona Born Cultural Centre, 2015, final project "Katan Kawin" party drilling. PrizeFirst category junior noble materials.II prize jewelry Tomas Colomer Barcelona 2015

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