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agata lo monaco
VISITATO: 1125 volte
ISCRITTO DAL: 06.06.2014
RATE rating 0
MOBILE: 3802813957
dove mi trovo:
93012 gela gela


Agata Lo Monaco was born in Piazza Armerina (EN) on July 16, 1988. Having grown up in the island, she completed her studies with a major in "Graphics Arts and Design" at the School of Fine Arts in Catania.The young photographer has had many experiences in other countries, those experiences have allowed her to expand her research and to especialize more on reportage photography. She has professionally worked with several regional magazines in 2010 and has also served as an assistant for the "SPLINTERS" exhibition of the Sicilian photographer Andrea Leone at the Italian Institute of Culture in Copenhagen. To date, Agata Lo Monaco has expanded her curriculum in the field of wedding photography, without abandoning her passion for photojournalism. In 2012, one photograph from her photoset "Festival in Sicily" was selected in the "Motherland" contest of the Italian newspaper "La Repubblica". It was exhibited at MACRO, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Rome.In 2013, she was awarded the first prize in the contest organized by Triskaelion of Gela and she was given the award by the photographer Giovanni Chiaramonte in person. That same year she took part in "Pon Photo Video Award", a contest organized by the Ministry of Infrastructure that was funded by the European Union. She then won the second prize with the photo "Eco-logistics", which was awarded to her by the journalist Michael Conforti. Amongst others, Agata Lo Monaco's most important works include "Festival in Sicily", a long-term project that recounts the events of the Sicilian cultural tradition, and most specifically those of the town of Gela and the Documentary "Terra Negata" (Denied Land) in collaboration with SetaQ Productions.At present she is working on a project that was born in the city of Granada: a project on gender identity issues, and specifically on transsexuality. With it, she aims to tell stories of the everyday lives of the trans community in this Spanish city.

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