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Rosanna Raljevic Ceglar
VISITATO: 1270 volte
ISCRITTO DAL: 22.10.2014
RATE rating 0
MOBILE: 0038631324139
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6310 izola koper


CV | Rosana Raljević Ceglar (also known as Niiro), a jewelry designer  born in Pula /Croatia but currently located in Slovenia. Graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice. She moved to Slovenia in 2000. and started her own graphic and design studio. On her return she also started experimenting with knitting wires in order to create jewelry pieces, what inspired her was the nature around, the organic structures and the micro-cosmos within each piece of nature she could find. This is how her first collection named ‘Entangled’ started coming together. Her work soon evolved into using more and more irregular shapes, the applied techniques improved and gave her the possibility to develop something never seen in jewelry design. “My enthusiasm about the fact that you can create jewelry statement pieces by using a very irregular and random looking knitting process which seem so perfect and neat, just as nature itself”. She think even though we live in a chaotic world, nature’s perfection is the solution and no matter how simple the things you work with are, in every piece of nature there is a en enormous potential.

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