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Make Me
VISITATO: 733 volte
ISCRITTO DAL: 05.12.2016
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dove mi trovo:
71000 Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovi


Alisa Caber and Adi Rahic, designers from Bosnia & Herzegovina are the founders of the jewellery label " Make Me ". Alisa graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts, University of Sarajevo and Adi graduated Law at the same University. This label is an ode to the era of modernism, bringing new views to creativity while rejecting everything that might be usual in structure and form.Their vision is to create avant-garde designs - experimental, fashionable solutions using straight lines, geometry and abstract expression. They prefer to work with natural materials of leather and wood to lend a rustic charm to their work. All their creations are handcrafted using high quality materials in limited editions.

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