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Jewellery EM
VISITATO: 713 volte
ISCRITTO DAL: 30.11.2016
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MOBILE: 00905314945039
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34433 Istanbul Turchia


BIOGRAPHY ...look into the heart where all the knowledge is bound...   Ena Mulavdic and Ebrahim Mohammadian are jewellery designers and artists who work together on their exceptional jewellery designs. They have founded their own jewellery brand “Jewellery EM” in 2016.   The story of Jewellery EM brand has it`s beginning in Istanbul, where Ena and Ebrahim have met in 2013. While both came from different cultures and met in equally multicultural Istanbul, they had much to share about their lifestyles and world outlook. At that time Ena was studying her master`s degree in Industrial Desing at Mimar Sinan University, while Ebrahim was working as a thriving young freelance artist and jewellery designer. The idea for creating a common brand came after three beautiful years of caring friendship, mutual support and genuine understanding of each other`s philosophy of life. Moreover, the mixture of different cultures and origins that they have in common was appealing and winsome, bringing a special charm into their friendship and peculiarly into Jewellery EM brand.     Their work explores life in every single way – from birth to death, with all the love, hate, happiness, sadness, excitement, good, bad, care, prosper, decline, lightness, darkness and numerous other conditions and situations that we all are exposed to during our lifetime. Each piece of Jewellery EM is unique and inimitably designed, making them a significant art piece. Their unprecedented esthetics derives from a prosperous mélange of artistic and design skills, while freely using a wide variety of materials. Their designs are fusion of different and rich backgrounds, both collaborating in making a profound and wonderful jewellery designs. All of the Jewellery EM pieces are made carefully, with loads of love, in their studio.   Ena and Ebrahim have previously exposed their artworks and designs all around the world, participated in numerous design festivals and their work has took a part in several magazines and books.    STATEMENT Jewellery EM emerged as a collaboration of two friends, both interested in arts and design.   We make jewellery with greatest passion and commitment.   This is based on our belief that everything in this world is connected with each other, therefore we strive to pass high values through our artistic jewellery.   Every single piece of our work is unique and deeply deliberated.   Accordingly, we strive to make our art tangible in both spiritual and structural manner.   Our jewellery is not constrained by established symbols.   We are seeking for freedom of expression and we emphasize the importance of ones own analyze and understanding of the world we are living in.   The meanings of our jewellery artwork are depending on the accumulated understanding of the world, by the beholder.   Thus designing highly artistic jewellery, we are not limited by the selection of the materials.   Any human being, prone to analyzing the world with eyes wide open, can add additional value to its environment.   We strive to reach the truth, our own unique truth, yet the same truth we are sharing with all other human beings.   Our greatest inspiration is within ourselves. The more we know ourselves, the more we are closer to the unity.    The inspiration is accompanied by endless curiosity, yet in the same time, by calmness and surrender to the flows of nature.   Our jewellery artwork is a mirror where the reflection of our inner worlds can be seen.   Every single piece of our jewellery has a name chosen from different parts of the world and its birth date, which signify it’s beginning of residing in our world.   

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